GMU University

Universities are in unique position to deal with change; universities should present modeling leadership in flexibility and transformation. Universitas Gadjah Mada takes this responsibility seriously, not forgetting that the role of a university is to benefit the nation and humanity. Through research and education programs that are dedicated to generating new knowledge, the university is committed to serving the needs of the society. Research is the foundation of all knowledge, both that which is taught and that which informs service, and as such, research is central to role of a world-class university. Universitas Gadjah Mada is dedicated to supporting research and teaching that can increase prosperity, security and human welfare. This commitment requires research that is relevant, faculty who are empowered, and administration that is efficient. These goals are not simple to achieve, and are never fully met. Instead, Universitas Gadjah Mada recognizes that this is an ongoing, continual process of improvement, one which requires an engagement with global networks, but which remains committed to uniquely Indonesian values. Strong administrative leadership is necessary to insure that faculties are able to generate knowledge that contributes to a sustainable society, and that citizens are able to access the equity in that knowledge. In the spirit of this commitment, it is vital that universities address pressing social issues such as poverty and social tension.

As the oldest and largest university in Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada is especially charged with the responsibility to generate scholars and vision for the nation, through global interconnections that retaining cultural authenticity and a passion for social change. Universities cannot simply pursue knowledge without a purpose, but rather must uphold and integrate the best social values of a society in the process, never losing sight of the fact that universities exist for people, rather than the reverse. Universitas Gadjah Mada invites the world community and global industry to join this project of integrating research with pursuit of a better social good. The global connections of an international university can only be fully maximized when there is strong internal cooperation from within the university. In this way, Universitas Gadjah Mada has to be able to cope with the change we know will come, and those that we cannot anticipate in advance.

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is the oldest and the largest state university in Indonesia. It was founded on December 19, 1949 and currently has 18 faculties, 69 undergraduate programs, 24 diploma programs and a Graduate School. Since December 2000, the university has taken a new status as a state-owned legal entity. The University is located in The Special Region of Yogyakarta, one of the smallest provinces in the country, which has been widely known as the center of Javanese culture as well as the center of learning. It has 3,200,000 inhabitants, 511,000 of whom reside in the city of Yogyakarta. The Special Region of Yogyakarta focuses its development on three inseparable pillars: education, culture, and tourism.